Sunday, February 28, 2010

He Shoots, He Scores!

As the 2010 Vancouver Olympics come to a close, I can say that I have never been more proud to be a Canadian than I am now.

I've watched the Olympics before and every year it has been the same story: Canada's athletes put in their best effort, but usually fall short. This year however, was different. We broke the record for the most gold medals ever to be won at the winter Olympics! The last gold medal we earned was the icing on the cake.

Ya'll should know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the men's hockey game against team USA. It was the most intense 3 hours of my life! Both sides played an amazing game and really, it could have gone either way, but naturally, Canada came out on top.

I've seen a lot of atricles lately that have discussed the increased levels of patriotism around the country. It's fantastic! Canadians are breaking the reserved image that we had before. We are letting our national colours show with pride and gusto.

I hope this feeling never dies. I love Canada! I. AM. CANADIAN.

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