Monday, November 18, 2013

5 minutes of blogging. Go.

Hey gang!

I've got 5 minutes so I thought I'd write a quick lil something to let you all know that I'm not dead.

School is going swimmingly. It has taken over my life as it always does, but I am working hard to not get behind on my projects and assignments and preparations for finals. I actually need to start studying soon if I am going to ace these babies.

Preparations for moving in December haven't really happened anywhere except in my head. We still need to find a place to live (ack!) And I am not going to start packing until finals are done. I'm basically just trying to enjoy my last month home before I move to the cold, cold north. It almost feels as though I'm preparing for death. lovely.

Joe was able to move his next set of days off back 2 weeks so that he'll be home for my brother's wedding in December so that means I am not going to see him for 4 weeks! Arg!

PS, did I tell you my brother's getting married? Well he is. And I am incredibly happy because the girl he is marrying is awesome. I don't know how he got her, but I'm glad he did.

And my 5 minutes are up! See ya next time kiddos!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Love what you've got!

Stop! Watch this video. Then move on.

Ladies, we all need to love our bodies no matter what our size. If you are in good health and your body can function properly and do the things you need it to, then you can be happy with the body you have.

I am 5'8" and a size 12. I have a curvy figure and I will never have a gap between my thighs. I probably won't have as nice a shape as I have forever, but I'm okay with that. I love my body, come what may!

Whether you are straight or curvy, round or thin, tall or short, black or white or red or green -- you shouldn't have to feel like you aren't enough!

I've met women who have the "model look", but still criticize everything they see in the mirror. And then I've met women who you will never find on a catwalk, but are more comfortable in their skin than anyone I know. It really doesn't matter how you measure up to magazine standards, it only matters how you measure up to your own.

We all have insecurities. Every single one of us. There are some days that I look around and feel like everyone else looks good but me. But when I stop comparing myself to others and stop trying to be just like everyone else, that's when I can look in the mirror and like what I see. You can do it too. Just because you aren't skinny like your pretty friend doesn't mean you can't be pretty too.

We can all be pretty. We can all be beautiful.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Favourite Friday II


Yes it's been a while. School has certainly been keeping me busy this semester. I feel like I've never worked harder in school than I have this year! Maybe that's why I feel smarter too...

Anyway, I hope the rest of your October was wonderful and your Halloween was enjoyable.

I've got a bit of spare time on my hands this morning so I decided to write a Favourite Friday post! You know, since it is Friday after all.

Today's favourite comes a friend of mine who took her kids out Trick-or-Treating last night. I guess it was her youngest son's first time out on the streets, so he was pretty excited. She shared a video of his excitement and it is just precious! So precious that I had to share it with you too. Enjoy!

Apparently he did this at every. single. house. All night long. Adorable.