Friday, February 25, 2011

Blast from the Past

We've recently aquired an old TV/VCR combo from a great aunt of ours and I must say, having a VCR in the house again opens up so many options for movie watching! Now I can watch my old disney favourites that we haven't quite managed to find on DVD yet and better yet, I can watch our old family videos.

I'm so conceited though, I only like watching the parts with me in it. And who wouldn't? I was the cutest little girl ever. Don't believe me? BAM! Look at that face! Who could possibly resist those chubby wittle cheeksies! Such a cutie pie...

Along with watching some old family favourites with our VCR, we've also been watching a lot of old movies. You know, the classics like My Fair Lady and Gone with the Wind. This has been my first time watching these movies and they're great!

We watched My Fair Lady first and I loved it. The songs were great and I loved Audrey Hepburn. And oh my word, the costumes!! They were faaaabulous.

The dress she wore to the ball was utterly stunning. If I could have a wedding dress similar to that one, I would be a happy girl.

My favourite scene would have to be the one where they are at the races. I love how every action was perfectly choreographed to reflect how everything the upper classes do is perfectly choreographed to some unwritten social protocol. I also loved it when Professor Higgins was introducing Eliza to everyone and she said, "How do you do" perfectly. I don't know what it is, but I just love how she said it! =3

We watched Gone with the Wind the other night and it was so long! The story was alright, but I could not stand Scarlet O'Hara. She was such a selfish brat. But the dresses were fun to watch.

The red dress she wears to Ashley Wickes' birthday party was pretty dang hot. And you know, I'm not normally into moustache guys, but Rhett Butler could certainly work the stache quite nicely. I don't see why Scarlet was so in love with Ashley when she had a guy like Rhett chasing after her, I would have totally taken Rhett!

Okay now I'm curious, out of Clark Gable (Rhett Butler) and Tom Selleck, who has the better moustache?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wake-Up Call

Have you ever had one of those dreams where someone close to you hurts you? And then when you wake up the next morning, you're still mad at them for hurting you in your dream? Or you feel awkward when you see them the next day because the dream you had about them was really wierd?

I get that all the time. And Johnny makes fun of me for it because he always reminds me that it was just a dream!

I don't know what it is, but it seems to only happen to women. Maybe it's because we're more emotional than men so when we experience emotion in a dream, the left overs are still affecting us when we wake up.

Last night I had a dream that Bindi died (my dog, not Steve Irwin's daughter). I don't remember how it happened, but she saved my family somehow and contracted this awful disease where all her insides turned to water and then my mom had to put her out of her misery by throwing her against a concrete wall. Morbid, I know, but we were all miserable that she was gone because she had saved our lives.

So when I saw her this morning I was so happy to see her that I scooped her up and held on to her for a long time. And then she squirmed out of my arms and ran away.

So much for being a hero-dog.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

14. Keep My Fingernails Coloured for 3 Months Straight

I don't have much to say about this one except, DON'T DO IT!!

I had to end this goal early at two months because my nails got so weak and brittle. I have a feeling they'll be recovering for a while.

So, moral of the story: If you love your nails, DON'T keep them coloured for two months straight. Maybe just a week or two. Besides, the polish gets pretty chipped by that point anyway and nail maintenance is such a pain.

Alright I feel bad for giving you such a short entry today, so I am going to share with you one of my favourite comics that I found on deviantArt. enjoy :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I couldn't avoid the sparkles forever

Okay, don't freak out. But do you remember that one post where I wrote about what I want for my future wedding? Well this post is kind of related to that.

No, I am NOT engaged!! Sheesh, you people need to chill out.

But I have been looking at rings.

No, Johnny and I are NOT planning on getting married!! And trust me, you guys would not be the first people I'd tell. No offence.

I was just surfing on the interwebs a couple days ago and I ran across an ad for engagement rings. And like any other woman who is attracted to sparkley/shiny things, I looked it up. And I've been looking at rings ever since. I guess it's just so I could get an idea of what I like in a ring. There is just so much variety, it's hard to narrow it down, but I do know that I do not want white gold.

White gold is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. The thing I hate about it is: it looks like silver, yet you pay the price for gold. If you're going to spend more money buying a gold priced ring, it had better look like gold! How annoying would it be if one your friends was admiring your white-gold jewellery and said,

"Wow, that silver bracelet is adorable!"

"Actually it's white gold. Friends off."

Now fake gold, that's a whole other story...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

67. Go Horseback Riding in the Winter

This one was so much fun! My friend, who we shall call Small, invited me and Johnny out to her farm for a visit. So we went and had a blast. Going out to the farm made me realize what a city girl I am, but it was still great. The weather was perfect: there was snow on the ground but it wasn't too cold either. I feel like this is more something I should show you rather than tell you, so here are some photos from the day:

Here I am with my horse. Can't remember her name for the life of me. I think it was something like Maggie, or Pepper? I have no clue.

Here we all are on our horses. We rode around Small's pastures and checked on the cows and we would have stayed out longer but our horses had had enough and became incredibly difficult to urge forward. It was still a good time nonetheless.