Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

With a new holiday I've changed my desktop to match. If you like cool desktop pictures, then this is the site to see... Anyway, onto the blog...

I have had such a good weekend and I am in such a good mood, I feel like sharing it with you all!

Friday night went well. I was off work by three and that gave me plenty of time to get ready. Suitman and I had a lovely time at the wedding. We sat at the same table as Bishop Turner and his wife and so I introduced Suitman to them. When the Turner's left early, Suitman turned to me and told me he thought they were really cool. Hooray! Suitman likes my bishop! Now he'll be converted in no time! (I'm just kidding, I'm not trying to convert him. Though I would be totally stoked if he did join) Since I've been helping Cora plan her wedding, I felt like a spy at D&K's wedding. I paid attention to the centerpieces and the party favours and the decorations; I even took pictures to show to Cora later. Suitman took me home in time for me to meet up with the limo group to go to the Sweethearts Ball. I did end up telling Suitman about my other plans, so he knew what was going on and besides, he had other plans as well. See? No big deal. Anyway, I was only on the limo for about 15 minutes of the ride, but that was plenty for me. It was really hot in there! The actual dance was kind of lame. They haven't played decent music at these things in ages. After the dance, Boatboy and I went to Star's where she had a bunch of people over and we karaokeed and ate cookies into the night.

Saturday was fantastic. I got to play my violin with the orchestra for a little luncheon put on by the Purple Hat Club. It was fun. After the performance I went home and had a lazy afternoon reading a book I got from the Bookmobile. Sophie Kinsella's Remember Me?. I'm already more than halfway through, yay!

Today has been really good so far as well. Church was good. In Sacrament meeting I drew the speakers and one of them turned out really well. In Sunday School, Denise brought cookies and in Relief Society my cousin taught a really good lesson. At the end of Relief Society, the guys came in to give us a giant Valentine card. It was really cute. Kinda corny, but cute. I've also been recruited to sing tenor in the ward choir. I'm kind of excited because if there are some good looking guys in the choir, I'll get to sit by them because I'll be singing their part!

Anyway, Happpy Valentine's day everybody! And I'd like to send a Holla! out to Cassandra and wish her a happy birthday today. She's turned 20, yikes! When did we get to be so old? Also, Holla! to Cora as well. It is her birthday tomorrow and she will turn 21.


  1. I'm glad you had such a great weekend! I did too. Thanks for sharing the joy :)

  2. Haha oh I loved the corny Valentine's card! It made singles awareness day so much better... :)
