Friday, February 26, 2010

Mum's the Word

Do I have a sign on my back that says, "You can tell me anything"? Cause I certainly feel like I've become a confidante for a whole bunch of people all of a sudden. Last night I had a good heart to heart with a buddy of mine as we drove back from the temple. He's having girl issues and has been coming to me for advice lately. I really had no idea what to tell him because it sounds to me like his lady friend is just as confused as he is; if not, more. And when I got home from the temple, I had a call from another friend of mine with some family issues. Again, I wasn't entirely sure how to go about giving her advice, so I just decided to listen and offer a word of comfort here and there.

It's not that I don't like people coming to me for advice - don't get me wrong, it makes me feel pretty important - but I just can't figure out why they come to me. I've had a really easy life so far (knock on wood), so it's not like I can draw on personal experience to help these folks out. But I do try to be compassionate and I am pretty good at keeping it to myself if they want me to.

Maybe these people that are coming to me have tried going to other people before, but it didn't work out for them. Maybe they heard about me from some other people. They probably went to a friend for advice only to be referred to me...

Average Joe: "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? I need some advice."

Plain Jane: "You can try, but I give crap advice."

Joe: "Oh. Do you know anyone who can help me?"

Jane: "Talk to Leinani. She's no Dr. Phil, but she worked wonders for me."

Next thing I know, I've got this Joe guy asking me what the best way is to get his girlfriend back. Trust me, I've never had to win back the heart of an ex-girlfriend before! But I'll try my best to help you out because who knows, maybe you'll be able to help me when I'm in need of some life advice.

1 comment:

  1. Nani you know I will be there for any advice you may need. Or just a listening ear, me personally I just like pouring out my heart to those who I know love me a lot. I don't necessarily need advice just that comforting presence and reassuring smile. It's like running a marathon. You grow weary and stumble a little, but on the side lines is a friend who reminds you that this pain your suffering? It to shall pass. And reminds you how far you have come and helps renew your resolve to regather your strength and finish the race. So next time this friend of yours with family problems comes to you all she may be needing is the presence of a good friend who loves her and that she trusts completely. Anywho love yah kiddo
