Sunday, January 17, 2010

What's In Your Playlist?

Beatles, Beatles, Beatles. I love the Beatles.

I've kind of listened to them since I was about 10. But I've been seriously listening to them since my grade 11 art class. We only listened to the best of music while we were 'arting', so naturally the Beatles was one of our favorites.

Last night I participated in a cd exchange in which a bunch of us made soundtracks to describe our 2009. With this being my first time, I was a little nervous because from what I could tell, this group of people seem to have quite the taste in music. What if they thought my stuff was crap?? Well, it turns out, that my taste in music is similar to theirs. I could even recognize a few of the bands listed on the cds! Phew! All in all, it went well for me. I got to hang with a different crew than I normally do and I got 5 cds with a whackload of new (to me) music. I'll have to do some reviews once I get a chance to listen to them.

I think you can tell a lot about a person by the kind of music they listen to. Sometimes I'm surprised to find out what some people are into. Take my English 1900 professor for example. You'd think she was a stuck up snob who listens to classical music, but no! She listens to a pretty wide mix ranging from Audioslave to Taj Mahal to Loreena McKennitt.

On my cd, I have a song by the Moleni Brothers and was surprised when one of the guys recognized the group. He was surprised that I knew them too. Although I don't know why he was surprised; I'm Polynesian! Of course I know who they are. I just wish I would have asked how he knew about them...

Ooh! Before I forget! The best part of the cd exchange! Denise had goblets. GOBLETS for us to drink punch out of. They looked something like this. I was pretty stoked. Except, she said they might have lead in them which would explain why her grandmother has Alzheimers. So if you see me when I'm 60 and I have no idea who I am because I have Alzheimers, you know who to blame: Denise and her goblets!


  1. Oh my! Well obviously I should invite you to more parties at my house. The goblets are a party staple.

    Thanks for coming and making a CD. I listened to yours tonight, and it is AWESOME! Seriously!

  2. Yes! I would not be offended if I was invited to your house more often :) And I'm glad you liked my CD. I've listened to yours too, and I love it!
