I sure have missed you for the past week. I just spent the last 5 days down in St George Utah babysitting a spoiled 3 year old with my friend, KtJ. Last semester, KtJ told me about her plans to go down to Utah to babysit her nephew, Carson, because her brother was in a pinch and had begged her to come. I'm not sure who thought of it first, but we soon started talking about doing this trip together. KtJ had gone down alone before, so she was grateful that I had graciously offered to accompany her (the promise of warmer weather and shopping had nothing to do with my decision ;-) ).
So last Wednesday, I packed up my bags and hopped onto a plane with KtJ. We got off to a rocky start when my carryon was searched at security and my passport and itinerary went missing without my knowledge (it was returned, thank heavens!), but we were soon on a plane to San Francisco. However, our troubles were not left in Calgary. We arrived only to find that our connecting flight was delayed and would not depart until 12:30 in the morning! That meant we had 4 hours to kill in an airport that was closing for the night. I spent most of my time reading, trying to sleep and messing around on a wheelchair. We finally arrived in the Las Vegas airport around 3 in the morning, but our journey wasn't over yet! We still had to drive with KtJ's brother to St George. It took us 2 hours to get there, but because there's an hour difference between Nevada and Utah, we got there at 6 am, local time.
Carson was initally wary of me, but he soon warmed up. I knew I had made his good books when he started asking for "the other girl" instead. Even though we were babysitting, KtJ and I could still hit the shops; we just had to bring Carson. I've gained a new respect for mothers of young children. It's quite the talent to be able to scope out a sale and keep track of a restless toddler at the same time. Carson even managed to escape from me and run out the store and down the walk while KtJ was in the dressing room. Luckily, I got him back before she came out. Phew! After a relaxed lunch break at home, we embarked once again with toddler in tow. We were in for a surprise however, when we arrived at the mall to find that Carson had fallen asleep on the way. That was also when we realized that we'd forgotten the stroller, which meant KtJ and I got to take turns carrying him. Even though they require a lot of attention, patience and money I can't wait for when I have kids because carrying them is such a great workout! I'll be ripped! Our arms were killing us when we were done. But it all worked out because I found the cutest jacket on sale at Aeropostale.
After Friday, we didn't do anymore shopping, but we did have a few more outings with Carson. On Saturday we took him to the pool and at first, he was determined that he did not want to go swimming. But once we coaxed him into the water, we had just as much trouble getting him out as we did getting him in. For dinner that evening, we went out to Golden Corral and Carson said he wanted pizza, so that's what we got him. He hardly touched his plate! He was too busy playing with his new "choo choo tracks" (trains). Luckily we wrapped up a couple pieces of garlic bread because when we got home, he was still hungry! I wonder why...
Sunday was a beautiful, sunny day - and we couldn't do anything! But we did walk to church and even went to the temple in St George. The St George temple is one of my favorites; it has pecan trees. KtJ laughed at me as I wandered around picking up all the pecans and quoting Nacho Libre saying, "dese are de Lord's nuts" ... I'm not sacriligous at all!
Monday was probably the most exciting day. Carson's parents came home the night before and since our flight didn't leave Vegas until 4:50, we spent the afternoon checking out the strip. We walked around the shops in Ceasar's Palace and had lunch in the Cheescake Factory. I had a Navajo sandwich and it was delicious. On the way back Carson didn't want to hold his mom's hand, he didn't want to hold his dad's hand and he didn't want to hold KtJ's hand. He wanted to hold mine. I was quite pleased with myself. It's not very often that I hold hands with a boy. Now if I can just do it with one that's more my age, I'll be set.
The best thing about this trip was that KtJand I did not get sick of each other. You know how when you spend an extended period of time with someone and eventually, you get sick of them? It didn't happen with us! Probably because we got sick of Carson instead, haha. Although, don't get me wrong, the kid is adorable!
Since I've been back, it's been nice to hear that I was missed. I had no idea I was such a(n) intersting/exciting/vital part of people's lives! Thanks for the love folks!
And for your viewing pleasure, here are some photos from the trip:
Us and Carson. What a little stud!
A pretty sick double decker bus I saw on the strip.
My awesome sandwich! Chicken, lettuce, tomato, avocado and onion wrapped in fry bread.
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