Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So Much Time and So Little To Do...

As I've mentioned before, I am currently taking a semester off school. I'm doing it for several reasons actually,

The main reason being that my family and I are going on a trip to Australia in April, which is the same time that my finals would have been written. Since I didn't want to have to put up with rearranging my schedule so I could write my tests before or after the trip(which would have sucked!), I decided to just skip school altogether.

School is expensive. And travelling is expensive. If I plan on travelling and going to school later on, I will need money. If I want money, that means I have to suck it up, be a big girl and work. I didn't work during the school year because I was majoring in biochemistry. Do you remember the high school days when science was your least favorite subject and that hour long class felt like an eternity? Try taking nothing but science classes. No wait, science and math classes. Sure I used to like science and I used to like math, but after doing it for a year and a half in university, I want to shoot myself in the head at the mention of words like conjugation, molecular orbitals and partial fractions.

Which brings me to my next reason for taking a break: school wore me out. Last semester I was crazy enough to take 5 classes: genetics, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, calculus II and english. Those were some pretty hefty courses on their own, but I also had some new responsibilties at church as the Superma for FHE which meant that I, along with my Superpa counterpart, was (and currently, still am) in charge of planning weekly activities for the ward to enjoy every Monday night. It's a tough job to keep people entertained and happy, but I like it.

I had a very busy schedule last semester. So it's been a challenge to try and keep myself busy with all this time on my hands. It's so easy to fall into a routine of watching TV all day and facebooking, blogging and other online whatnot, but I'm trying to avoid that. I was blog-surfing today (wasting time, I know) when I came across a blog by a guy in my ward. He wrote an entry talking about finding a good use of our time. I thought it was well written and that he'd made some good points in it. If you've got some time to spare, check it out!

I've got some spare time, but I've already read the blog. So I'll go do something productive like solve world hunger or something... Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. Well best of luck solving that world hunger issue. I also will try to help you stay productive to if you like. I mean hey what are friends for right?
