Thursday, February 9, 2012

Worried to death

Am I crazy?

While Johnny's gone we generally text all the time. Unless he's on night shift because he sleeps during the day so we only get to talk for a bit before he goes to bed and I go to school, and again in the evening when he wakes up and I'm having dinner. 

Anyway, sometimes I'll send him a text in the morning and then I won't hear from him for ages. There have been times where I don't hear a peep from him until the evening. When this happens there are equally probable 3 scenarios that could cause this:

a) He's busy at work. Let him do his job.
b) They're working in the middle of nowhere, so he probably doesn't have service.
c) He probably left his phone at the hotel again. 

Deep down I know everything's fine. I know I'm just being paranoid. Just because I'm his wife doesn't mean I need to know where he is at all times. But there is still always that tiny little nagging thought in the back of my head:

Or maybe he's dead.

I'm not crazy, am I?

So far every time there's a long text silence from him, the tiny voice in my head has been wrong - Johnny's never died. But of course, with my crazy imagination, every time I feel the tiny thought I always wonder just what would happen if I became a widow at 21. I've imagined it many different ways and every single one is the same: they all suck! 

I've tried not to worry about Johnny while he's at work, but it happens. I'm a wife now and worrying about my husband has become a part of my life. No wonder married women are so stressed out! Just wait til we throw kids in the mix... 

1 comment:

  1. Ah! I totally understand this! And Scott and I are just dating...but I worry all the time -.-
