Thursday, May 6, 2010

Still Waiting for the Daisies

I found a spring questionnaire over on Denise's blog and I thought I'd fill it out because I have some time to kill. You can too, and then maybe we'll actually start seeing some spring...

1. I know it’s spring when…
The sun is shining and another rugby season is under way.

2. Everyone knows the best Popsicle flavour is…
Chocolate ^_^ mmm... or cherry.

3. If I were designing a kite I would make it…
In a classic diamond shape. But it will have a sweet tail. Everyone knows that a good kite has a good tail.

4. My favourite part about spring is…
Smelling all the flowers. And riding my bike in the sun.

5. If it has to rain it better…
Be warm. None of this part-rain-part-slurpee crap.

6. The best barbecued food is…
A pig. And I'm not talking pork chops, I'm talking about the whole shebang. I love being Polynesian.

7. Yard work is…
The best if I can get a tan while doing it.

8. The best way to eat ice cream is…
Straight out of the container with lots of friends to share with.

9. It wouldn’t be spring without…
The sun, ice cream sandwiches and my bike.

10. This summer is going to be…
Awesome if Selina ends up coming, but still good if she doesn't.

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