Tuesday, August 27, 2013

5 years from now...

... I would love to be a mom.

... I would love to be a physiotherapist.

... I would love to own a home.

... Joe and I may be living in Australia.

With the end of my undergrad fast approaching, Joe and I have reached a crossroads: Do we stick it out another two and a half years so I can get my masters of physiotherapy? Or do we start trying to get a family started?

We have made a tentative decision for now, but I believe we still have some fasting and praying to do before we can solidly say, "yes, this is what we're going to do."

The Australia thing is a dream that may or may not come true depending on what we decide we want in regards to a family/home/career. I would love to do it, but if it doesn't turn out to be the right move for us, then so be it. There's always vacation time!

I am seriously so blessed to have a man like Joe in my life. With regards to our future, I get lots of people that ask, "so what does Joe want to do? Is he going to do the Halliburton thing forever?" and I've asked him the same question. Joe has never had that dream job he's always wanted to do that he wouldn't be happy without. Joe's dream has always been to be able to work and provide for a family and make their dreams come true. (I feel like such a dork because I started tearing up as I wrote that.) It's so great to know he feels that way, but at the same time I get so scared that I'll get so caught up in the chase for my dreams that I'll end up dragging a husband along who would rather do something else with his life.

5 years from now there are a million things we cold be doing. But right now, I'm just happy with where we are and I'm excited about what adventures our future holds.

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