Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sing Praises

Sunday, April 4th, 8:34 pm

I went to church today with the Tongans and it was awesome! My favorite part about being in a Tongan ward is the singing. If you ever get the chance to go to a Tongan ward for church, do it! A Tongan ward is the Mormon version of the black Baptist choirs. They sing with such power and soul that you can't help but feel the spirit when you listen.

My family wasn't originally planning on staying for the whole block, but my cousins talked me into staying for Sunday school. Granted, it didn't take much convincing once they told me they had a YSA class. The only reason I went was for the boys; however, I was met by disappointment. They were nice to look at, but had no interest in getting to know me, even after they found out I was from Canada. It wasn't a total loss though, because I later found out that I'm related to half of them (of course!).

Anyway, the rest of my day was lovely as we had a big dinner with the family and then went to the temple in Hamilton to spend the evening. I still haven't been able to upload pictures, but no worries, I've been taking lots!


  1. your favorite fetu'u...I hope.April 4, 2010 at 3:48 AM

    Yes Leinani I will agree, Tongan wards are AMAZING! When you mentioned the singing a Tongan hymn came into my head, I couldn't remember what is was but I found it. It's Fakaloloma, one of my favorites. Haha another random thing you didn't know about me. Miss you my favorite tongan.

  2. HAHAHAHA!! i laughed out loud at this. and its 600 in the morning and im at work :P
    Have funnnnn
