Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do You Remember?

I have far too many things I have to do, so naturally I'm putting them off to blog instead.

I read an awesome post at 1000 Awesome Things where he talked about his favourite TV shows from his childhood. This is probably one of the best topics you can talk about when you're getting to know someone. I was working an Operation Red Nose shift this year and as we waited for the calls to come in we all just sat around the table getting to know each other. When someone brought up the question of what was the best TV show you watched as a kid, everybody lit up. We were humming theme songs, debating favourite characters and trying to remember the name of vague shows in our memories.

So here are my favourites, in no particular order because I loved them all for one reason or another.

Little Bear - My mom taped a few episodes of Little Bear for me and I used to watch them over and over and over again. My favourite character was Duck because she was crazy.

Recess - Seriously, who didn't watch Recess as a kid? TJ and the gang were the kind of kids we all wanted to be. Spinelli was my fave, nobody messed with her. Fun fact- I know the tuba part of the theme song off by heart. Best opening theme music EVER.

Sailor Moon - We didn't have cable at my house, so I couldn't watch this show at home. But my Gramma had cable so whenever we went over, you could always find me glued to the TV watching my shows. I loved Sailor Moon, my favourite part was when she changed into her sailor costume. Me and my friend used to act that part out twirling around in the background pretending to change from our little girl clothes into magical sailor costumes!

Arthur - I'm pretty sure I can still sing the theme song for this one. There is one episode I will always remember where they sing about their favourite books and Brain sings about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. "Jekyll, jekyll, hyde, jekyll, hyde, hyde, jekyll!"

Gargoyles - There are so many shows I watched as a kid that I absolutely loved at the time, but as an adult I realize just how corny they were. Not Gargoyles. This show is just pure awesome. Brooklyn was such a stud, Goliath such a beast, Hudson so legit and how could you not love Bronx? A couple summers ago I relived the awesomeness by watching the entire 2nd season of Gargoyles on the Youtube. Best decision ever.

There are tons more shows I could have mentioned, but there just isn't enough time. Maybe I'll bring them up again later.


  1. Ah! I love all of these! (Especially Sailor Moon) ;)

  2. Hey, Nan..did you ever see Hogan's Heroes from the 70's? Same type music as Recess! Look it up!
