Monday, March 12, 2012

Audiobooks FTW*

This weekend Johnny and I had a buttload of driving to do and I was not looking forward to it. We were helping his parents move from Tiny Town number one 6 hours north-east of us to tiny town number two 4 hours west of them. Then we drove 6 hours south west from Tiny Town number two to get home on Sunday.

(sidenote: I would like to point out that I did ALL the driving. Boo yah.)

I would have gone crazy from all the driving had it not been for the wonderful purchase we made just before the journey. We bought the first half of the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites series (there are 11 books total with more on the way) on cd and it saved our lives. We listened to it pretty much the whole time and got through book 1, book 2 and a chunk of book 3.

Seriously, if you have a big drive ahead of you and you don't have the luxury of a travelling dvd player, get some books on cd. It's like a movie for your mind! Awesome!

(* Gramma, I know you probably don't know what FTW means so here it is: FTW = for the win)

1 comment:

  1. I used to love those books so much! I have no idea where I left off...
