Saturday, January 21, 2012

lonely, but loved

It's ranting time!

This is something that has bothered me since I got married. Actually no, it's bothered me since Johnny got his job with Halliburton, but it's bothered me more since we got married.

I hate it when people ask how I like living alone while Johnny's off at work.

Seriously, people do that.

Yes, my husband works out of town for two weeks at a time. Yes, it sucks but it is just a fact of life because this is how we are surviving right now as newlyweds. Yes, it is a sacrifice but it won't last forever so don't pity me. I grew up with my father working the rigs, so I knew precisely what I was getting into, yet I still chose it.

I am actually grateful that Johnny has the job he does. Even though it can be really tough to say goodbye to him and to have to handle the house on my own while he's gone, it really makes us appreciate the time we do have together. Because of this, I can proudly say we've never had a fight because our time is too short together not to enjoy it.

So for the people who want to know how I like living alone while Johnny's gone, know that I love it. I love it because it means I am married to a man who is sensible enough to stick with his well paying job to provide for our little family, and for that I am so grateful.  Even though the time apart can be really tough, there's enough love between us to make it all worth while.


  1. Cute :) I understand what you mean...(although I'm not married...)

  2. Yeah! I've seen you mention that the fellow goes away to work. I feel your pain.
