Monday, January 6, 2014


Holy crap two in one sitting! I must either really love blogging or I'm not ready to leave the library yet ;)

I was smart before I left my house and made sure to take pictures for you. 
The entryway. And oh hey, that's me. 
My favourite part of the entryway. Joe's danish cross stitch thingy and my tongan disk thing. 
The living room which I may or may not have tidied just moments before taking the picture.
This is the view from my deck. I cropped out the parking lot and train tracks for your viewing pleasure.
Here is le kitchen. 
Here's the bedroom. 
And the closet of said bedroom which leads into the ensuite bathroom. 
And that's about it! There are other rooms too, but they aren't as pretty because I haven't tried to make them look nice. It's just a spare room, the main bathroom and a laundry room. There are a couple more things we need (like chairs for our kitchen table!), but otherwise we're pretty much settled! I would like to put pictures up on the walls, but I can't until I get permission from the landlords. Hopefully they say yes!

1 comment:

  1. Such a quaint little home :)
    Enjoy being in your own place! It's pretty nice ;)
    I also liked the thingies you both have in the entry way!
