Thursday, January 16, 2014

Searching for mountains

It's a quiet morning here in the apartment.

Joe sleeps while I enjoy the morning. He's been put on night shift so he'll be down for another couple hours at least. There wasn't any wind last night so that was nice. The other night it sounded like the roof was going to rip right off. But it didn't. Instead it was just a bit of siding, no big deal. I sure am glad we're just renters right now because water has been found in all the suites on our side of the building. That means they're going to have to rip out the walls to get them dry again. If it were my own place it would be my headache, and we would have to figure out how to resolve the problem ourselves and it would cost a lot of monies. But as humble renters we just have to wait for the owners to figure out what they'll do and we'll just do what we're told. I sure feel sorry for them, but at the same time I'm sure glad it isn't me.

I took some pictures from the deck this morning. I've been trying to see if I can see the mountains from our place, but alas, they don't seem to be there.

Let's zoom in to see if we can find any... 
I think it's just a cloud... But I will call it my mountain cloud. 

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