Monday, November 18, 2013

5 minutes of blogging. Go.

Hey gang!

I've got 5 minutes so I thought I'd write a quick lil something to let you all know that I'm not dead.

School is going swimmingly. It has taken over my life as it always does, but I am working hard to not get behind on my projects and assignments and preparations for finals. I actually need to start studying soon if I am going to ace these babies.

Preparations for moving in December haven't really happened anywhere except in my head. We still need to find a place to live (ack!) And I am not going to start packing until finals are done. I'm basically just trying to enjoy my last month home before I move to the cold, cold north. It almost feels as though I'm preparing for death. lovely.

Joe was able to move his next set of days off back 2 weeks so that he'll be home for my brother's wedding in December so that means I am not going to see him for 4 weeks! Arg!

PS, did I tell you my brother's getting married? Well he is. And I am incredibly happy because the girl he is marrying is awesome. I don't know how he got her, but I'm glad he did.

And my 5 minutes are up! See ya next time kiddos!

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