Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A New Adventure...

We finally did it. Joe and I are finally living together -- for reals! Mind you, this is only temporary, but it will be permanent once I graduate.

GP's not too bad. This has been my third day here and I feel like I'm adjusting quickly. Yesterday was pretty windy and it reminded me of home. I feel like it was GP's way of welcoming me to town. This place isn't all that different from home anyway. Except instead of coulees there's muskeg and instead of it smelling like a brewery near my house it smells like freshly cut lumber.

We're living with some friends of Joe's. They are renting a house for themselves and their daughter so we're splitting the rent with them. We pretty much get the downstairs area to ourselves. I videochatted with my family last night and showed them the new digs.

Today was a good day for me. It started by going out to the physio clinic I'll be doing my applied study at for the summer to meet my mentor. Then Joe and I went to the field behind our house to get a workout in. While we were there I ended up meeting some girls who play for the GP rugby club and were coaching the high school girls' team. So I got to help them coach and now I know where to go for rugby practice. Then Joe and I ended our day by seeing the new Iron Man movie which I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.

It's certainly shaping up to be a grand adventure here in GP so I'll be sure to keep you all posted. Peace!


  1. Really? I didn't know you'd be moving up there for good. Weren't you technically always living together for reals? ;)

  2. Okay, when I said permanent I didn't mean we'd be there forever-permanent. Moving up there is just the next step we have planned and we're not 100% sure where we'll end up after that.

    1. Hmmm... interesting. Well, it'll give you more time together for sure, which is definitely nice :)
