Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This post started out as nothing special but then turned into an awesome tribute to my best friend.

I want to blog, I really do. But lately I haven't felt like I have much to share.

So I've decided that today I will make myself sit down and write something and I won't stop until I have something.

Ready? Go.
  • When I was a kid I loved the Ninja Turtles. My favourite was Raphael. Me and my best friend, Cassandra used to yell down the sewers to talk to them. Her favourite was Michaelangelo. That's why we were best friends, because we rarely ever fought over boys. Or turtles.
  • The only thing me and Cassandra ever fought about was who was going to be the pink power ranger. Or poison ivy. Or baby spice. When we fought there were usually some tears shed and then one of us would go home. We always got back together though. Either an hour later or the next day and it would always be like nothing ever happened.
  • I think Cassandra wore the pants in our relationship because I believed everything she told me. We used to have bike races that went from speedbump to speed bump and I'd usually cross the finish line first, but then Cassandra would say, "Nu-uh! The finish line was back here! You lost!" And so I would think I lost because I went past the wrong finish line.
  • When I moved to a different school after grade 4 I was devastated because I didn't want to lose all my friends. But I made new friends. The relationships I had with these new friends were different because we didn't play pretend like me and Cassandra used to, but I'm still friends with several of the ones I made at the new school so I think it worked out.
  • Seriously, Cass and I played pretend until we were 12, maybe 13. The last thing I remember us playing pretend about was the car my family had in our backyard. We'd go in there and pretend it was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and we pretended it took us to all these crazy places. Or we were secret agents like in Charlie's Angels and the car talked to us like it was Charlie.
  • Technically speaking, you could probably say we played pretend straight into high school because we used to make up scenarios in our heads that usually involved a boy we liked and so we'd make up different conversations we could have with him or whatever. Seriously, we were retarded.
When I look back on my childhood, I think it was the best childhood anyone could possibly have. Cassandra and I had some crazy imaginations and when we got together it made them even crazier. We don't see each other as often as we used to, but that's okay. Kids grow up and make new friends and follow different paths in life. Even though we spend less time together these days, she still is one of the few people I can really be myself and be totally comfortable with. In fact, I knew that Joe was a good fit for me because the relationship I had with him mirrored the one I had with Cassandra, but it was even better.

So thanks, Cass, for teaching me how to have fun with nothing but your imagination and for showing me what a good friendship should look like. The statement.

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