Saturday, April 6, 2013

March Catchup

Hey guys!

Did ya miss me?

Sorry about not blogging for a month. They don't call it March Madness for nothing...

March got pretty crazy with big assignments due in all my classes that month. Not to mention a huge group presentation I had to prepare for with my group. Though to be honest, it was one of the more fun group projects I've had to do. We had to make a video as part of our presentation and we did a Bill Nye video! I had fun editing it and bringing it all to life.

To be honest that Bill Nye video sucked up a lot of my attention. And poor Joe was even home during crunch time, so I hardly paid attention to him. He's such a good sport though. But hey! I spent waaay too much time and effort on that stupid thing not to share it with everyone. So check out our video and have a laugh.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Not much has really happened to me besides that... Sad, I know. Though this past Wednesday when Joe went back up to work he took a small load of things up with him in preparation for our move up there this summer! I'm starting to get excited about it. It'll be a good change I think.

Oh and I posted this photo to facebook the other day with the caption, "We've got a bun in the oven!"

It was April Fool's day to be exact. And I had a lot of people fooled into thinking we were pregnant, when really, all we had was a literal bun in the literal oven. So technically I wasn't lying or trying to fool anyone, because with this photo taken out of it's cultural context, all it is is a photo with two people who are excited about a bun in an oven. 

Wow, I just got way too scholastic for this humble little blog. I should stop writing now... 

1 comment:

  1. First off...hey! Nice to see ya!'re still losers for that post. You knew EXACTLY what you were doing...
