Saturday, November 13, 2010

Good with Money

I'm so thrifty. But I still buy too much stuff.

I think it's because I save so much that I give myself the excuse that I can splurge on some things every once in a while. Maybe I should see if I can go a week without spending money.

Dang, that would be hard! It's not like I'm a shopaholic or anything. In fact, I hardly ever go shopping just for the heck of it. Most of my money gets spent on food. If I'm too lazy to pack a lunch for school, I just buy one. If I get a hankering for some mini-blizzard love, I just pop over to the DQ next to the Institute building and buy one.

I think if I just carried around cash that would help curb the problem. I find it way harder to actually hand over cash than it is to hand over a debit card. My brain says to me, "That's not money! That's plastic." and so I think nothing of it. That is, until I get that little statement at the end of the month that shows exactly where all my money is going. It's then that I realize how much the little things add up.

But you know what? Things aren't so bad. Heck, if it weren't for Johnny, my bank statement would be so much higher than it is now!

Hooray for boyfriends.

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