Wednesday, February 19, 2014


When people of the world love something they certainly love to love the crap out of it.

I think around this time last year was when the Harlem Shake phase was going around and at first it was amusing, but then it started to get old. Real old. But people still kept posting the videos. And it went on and on and on until eventually, it finally faded away.

This year the new craze is Let It Go, the hit song from Frozen. Yes, it was a good movie. Yes I understand how progressive it was of Disney to do all the things they did in that movie. Yes, I even understand that Let It Go has become an anthem to anyone who has ever felt like they've had something to hide from the world. But for goodness sakes, does everyone need to keep making all these different "amazing" or "inspiring" versions of the same dang song???

It's a good song and everyone is ruining it for me! Gah! Let go of Let It Go!

Let It NO. credit.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! SIster! You must love frozen, now that you're living up north! I think think you should Let it go! Sincerely your Asian Brother
