In case you don't know what EFY is, it stands for Especially for Youth and that's exactly what it is. A week dedicated to the youth of the church to help them grow and learn in the gospel. My job as a counsellor will be to set an example for these kids and to help them come unto Christ.
The youth will arrive tomorrow and then the madness will begin. The days start at 630 in the morning and go right until lights out at 1030. They tell us that we are the front line of defense; therefore we're expected to be good shepherds at all times, in all things and in all places. No pressure.
I really hope I do a good job this week. I hope I get a good group of girls and I hope we can have fun together. When I went to EFY as a particpant three years ago (ohmygosh I'm so old!! D=) I had such a great time and I just hope I can give the same kind of experience to the girls I'll have this year.
Believe. Hope. Endure. That's what this week will be about.