Saturday, August 24, 2013

Challenge Accepted!

I've decided I want to do a blogging challenge. It's my last week of no school so I want to write a little something every day. And since I am a free agent, I've decided to make up my very own blogging challenge. So here it is:

Leinani's Super-Awesome, Totally Creative 10 Day Blogging Challenge  
Day 1: write about something you love. (Not someone, something!)
Day 2: tell us your greatest fear. 
Day 3: where do you see yourself in 2 years? 5 years?
Day 4: If you could spend a week in someone else's shoes, who would it be and why?
Day 5: Create 3 haikus. Ready? Go.
Day 6: share an embarrassing story. 
Day 7: what is something you're good at? or what do you pride yourself in?
Day 8: who inspires you?
Day 9: share a favourite recipe. 
Day 10: make a top 10 Awesome Things list.

Fellow bloggers, feel free to try it for yourselves as I'm sure it will be awesome. Plus, it's 10 days so how bad can it be? If you do decide to try it, let me know so I can read all about it! Heck, you don't even need a blog to try this out, your own personal journal will do just fine.

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