Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Good times

You know, in the past I've had a bad habit of breaking my promises to you. A lot of times I promise to "post pictures soon!" or if I've got something happening I'll "tell you all about it tomorrow!" But a lot of times I don't. Either I don't end up taking pictures of said event or I'm so pooped from doing whatever I was doing that I couldn't possibly get around to telling you all about it.

I've decided it's time for me to change my ways. I promised to tell you how my Canada Day turned out and dangit, I'm gonna do it!

Yesterday was great. It was hot. It was fun.

As I told you, I was going to be in the GP Canada Day parade with the rugby club. So in the morning we got together to decorate our float. I ended up being made float captain and was put in charge of decorating the thing. It turned out pretty good! I had a truck; 102 pink and white balloons; pink, green and white streamers; 4 mini bill boards from our sponsors; and a pack of green paper plates. I used my very best Macgyver skills and came up with a pretty sweet float for us. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the finished product, but trust me, it looked great.

It was a hot, hot day out so by the time we were finished the parade I was ready to take my clothes off and jump into the first body of water I saw. Lucky for everyone, I am too self conscious to go streaking in public, so I waited until I got home to strip down and take a nice, cool shower.

The original plan was for me to go out to some of the festivities with my housemates when the parade was over, but I was too darn hot so I cooled down at home instead.

It was still a great day though! I got to hang out with some good folks and have some fun in the sun. I even got some tan lines going and this time I have a picture to prove it!
Wahoo! Look at me go!

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