Friday, March 12, 2010


Don't you hate when you go to say something, but someone interrupts you and so you wait and by the time you get the chance to speak, you've forgotten what it was you wanted to say?

Try having that happen with a blog.

I kid you not, all day long I've been thinking stuff up and there have been some really awesome brain things going on inside my head, but now - pfft! it's gone.

I came onto my laptop to do one thing and one thing only: blog. And then all of a sudden I found myself on Facebook. And then on someone else's blog. And on some other random site that I have never been to before. Goodness gracious, it's a good thing I don't have some big important date to go on or else I'd probably miss that too. Or -- do I??!

No, I'm good. I nearly forgot that my life has a severe lack of love interests for the time being. There's lots of the we're-just-friends type, but none of the maybe-something-more kind. Le sigh.

Boys are awesome.*

Anyway, let's move on...

As you know, I've been running my buns off lately. It's going really well! I feel really good. Today I took my cousin and my trek sister out to the rugby club to practise some contact drills. It was great. That is my favorite part of rugby. However, I made a worrying discovery: I can't fall properly on my left side.

In rugby, it is very important for one to know how to land properly when one is tackled so as not to bring injury upon oneself. If one can't land on one's left side, that means one can't get tackled there. And if one really hates getting tackled on one's left side, then that throws one off because one would be more worried about one's knee than the ball and essentially, the game.

So. Why does this matter to you, dear reader? It probably doesn't. But, be grateful for your knees. If you have two fully functional knees that you don't worry about everyday, be grateful! Knees are more important than you think. And if you don't have fully functional knees and are bound to a wheelchair, I apologize for my whining. I am still grateful for the one good knee I have left and I am especially grateful for the wonderful progress my bad knee has made. (I can sit cross-legged again!)

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I didn't get everything that I thought of today, but whatevs, maybe it'll come to me later. As long as the awesome brain things going on inside my head aren't interrupted again.

*- In case you didn't catch any of the sarcasm** dripping off of that comment, here is an alternate phrase that can be used in the context without any sarcasm: Boys are lame.

**- They should invent a font specifically for sarcastic comments. And if that actually does happen, let it be known that I blogged about it first. Maybe. Well, I dibs it, how about that?

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